Events, anniversaries, club information and other local content form the glue of our society. It is not about making something of little relevance available to many, but providing content of high relevance to each individual in a timely and cost-effective manner. The more relevant content you provide, the more valuable you become. All our products have this goal in common.

Innocode’s products are all white-label, fully customizable for your organization. If you are a local media company, a member of an organization, a local government organization, or any kind of company or organization providing local content, our products will enable you to aggregate, curate, and distribute this content in an easy and user-friendly way, generating traffic and new revenue.

  • News app

    Create a one-to-one user experience where you can change news’ sources, personal filters and menus in seconds.

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  • Local Offers

    Swift and super-easy solution that helps local shops and businesses rediscover the local newspaper!

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    Local offers is now included in our new business package, and our customers love the easiness and additional exposure of their Facebook or Instagram posts.
    Matt PaxtonMatt Paxton
    Publisher, The News-Gazette, Lexington, VA
  • Moments

    Highly flexible platform for user created content categories such as classifieds and greetings.

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    We’ve worked really hard to make this as inexpensive, seamless and special as possible. Really proud of how every single department at The Dallas Morning News chipped in to get us from zero to product in a couple weeks. And big props to Innocode for accommodating on a ridiculous deadline.
    Mike OrrenMike Orren
    Chief Product Officer, The Dallas Morning News
  • Calendar

    Aggregate and present events from local and regional organizations. Create high user value and new revenue streams.

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    The Calendar enabled us to become the one-stop for local events. It gives us many options for monetization and is loved by the organizers.
    Stein Olav SivertsenStein Olav Sivertsen
    CEO, Hitra-Frøya
  • Classifieds

    A modern and highly flexible platform that will automate and modernize production and the presentation and give the advertiser a great user experience.

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    Innocode Classifieds gave us 50% growth in the first 3 months after launch and the work involved is reduced to a few minutes.
    Stein Olav Sivertsen
    CEO, Hitra-Frøya
  • Sources

    Today anybody can publish their own content. This has created a rich environment of local content sources that can be aggregated and presented to your audience.

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  • Local Media Bundle

    Proven and innovative local news and information service “in a box”.

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Case studies

Local media

New local digital revenues at Nordjyske Medier.


Torstar launches 10 hyperlocal news brands in less than a year

The Dallas Morning News launches innovative graduation greetings during Covid

Local media

New local digital revenues at Nordjyske Medier.


Torstar launches 10 hyperlocal news brands in less than a year


Contact us

If you would like to learn more about our products and services, please contact us via phone or email with the following addresses below.

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