In short, we offer you:

  • Qualitative
  • Identity work
  • Visual profile
  • Communication strategy

Build your company's web with Innocode

When you build the website with us, you get access to an organization that has great expertise in technology, branding and communication.

We have over ten years' experience in running digital projects and a holistic view of communication, where the web solution is an important part and must represent the company well. With us you will not only find an online provider, but we can challenge you and give you insight into your company's entire digital presence.

Process from idea to finished web

The prerequisites first

We believe in creating the right conditions before we build a website. The more we know about you, the better we think the final product will be. A close collaboration where you are involved and leave an impression on how the network is designed is important to us. That is why we have a process developed through experience where we take you from idea to finished web. We usually start with a preliminary project.

Preparation and insight

  • Who are you?
  • What does your organization look like and what technical skills do you have internally?
  • What functional needs do you have and how do you want the web to look?
  • Why do you want to build a website?
  • How will the web support you in your other activities and help you achieve your goals?
  • What budget do you have?

In a preliminary project, we discuss these and many other questions to create insight internally and for us into how the network is best built - both in terms of resources and to make it last a long time.

Before you show the whole world – do you know who you are as a company?

Having a solid visual profile and a strong identity that creates internal pride and permeates all communication is important when you want to make others understand who you are and what you can do for them. You may be fully aware of this already, but otherwise we can help you make it happen.

At the workshops, we find out who you are today and who you want to be in the future. This work supports you in your daily tasks and when you have to build a website, both to find out how you should look visually and what overall impression you want to give through the content you communicate.

WordPress - from customized development to ready-made packages

All companies have unique needs and financial conditions, but there is also a solution for everyone. When you have found out who you are, on your own or with us, and what your needs are, together we will find the best solution for your network.

We build almost all of our customers' websites with WordPress, and depending on your organization's prerequisites, your functionality and design needs, we give you a proposed solution. In short, we can build everything from scratch or by adapting ready-made concepts and block packages.

Innocode WP Blocks

Dynamic and user-friendly content publishing where content is central. Smart content solutions to create rich content, connect related content. Complete block solution adapted to your visual profile.
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Idrottsgymnasiet Nacka

Innocode WP News

News publication for media houses. A WP theme optimized for fast feeds, local news, editorial content.

Innocode WP News is part of our total package for local or niche media: Media Bundle.
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Jasper Local

Innocode WP Custom

Web solution built entirely based on your needs. Suitable for organizations and businesses with specific needs in web, function, integrations or design.
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Västernorrlands museum

Get help to move forward - talk to us

Mail, call or come by. We are happy to talk about your challenges regarding digital visibility and content publishing.


Featured Cases

Featured Cases

  • web

    Housing selector and specially developed functions for Opphus

Contact us

If you would like to learn more about our products and services, please contact us via phone or email with the following addresses below.

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Support - Hosting and WordPress clients
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