Imagine a service that ties communities closer together, provides an overview of what is happening where people live and shortens the distance between citizen and local government.

The expectations of modern communication is erasing the divide between tools used by the best digital media houses and those used by local government to communicate with citizens. Innocode offers a citizen platform built on nearly ten years of digital technology development collaboration with leading Scandinavian media houses. The solution lifts cities’ citizen involvement and information work into the mobile age.

It’s all about people and what they are passionate about

It’s all about relevance and user value. We think locally and globally. Locally in terms of what engages at the hyperlocal level in local communities. Globally in terms of what companies like Facebook and Google do and how it changes user behavior and expectations. We want city government to take control of the content and once again own the communication channel with citizens, and we want it to be simple, useful, live and engaging. That is why we have developed tools that put local city government back in the driver’s seat.

Take back control of the city’s information channel

In a world full of content, how is the city going to reach the individual? Relevance is the key word. Information of real significance to the local community, and the sharing of such information, has always engaged. This will continue to be the case.

Facebook and a few other global players cannot alone solve citizens’ needs for participation, information and proximity to local processes. Few realize that a typical Facebook post normally reaches only 3 to 6 percent of the municipality’s followers. Even fewer consider that they are letting Facebook’s algorithms decide who will see the posted information.

We are proud to offer technology that facilitates collaboration between city government, voluntary organizations, local businesses and residents. Valuable to the individual in terms of access to information, proximity to and participation in the local community and overview over what happens where they live. Valuable to city government in terms of simplicity, visibility and the ability to provide citizens with the experience of being an active part of an active community.

Local resources need digital visibility

Strong and safe communities will need volunteerism and local commitment and engagement also in the future. Tomorrow’s solutions to community tasks may be entirely dependent on making the right choices and developing new solutions for interaction and cooperation between the city and local voluntary organizations today.

When the municipality invites teams, clubs and associations to the new citizen service, it helps solve the rapidly growing digital invisibility problem; Many local volunteer organizations struggle to reach out to the local community with information about the important work they do and what they offer.

Case Study: Citizen app

Citizen App The City of Sandefjord boosts citizen engagement dramatically – at reduced cost

Full case here

Citizen app

Citizen app for urgent information

Read the full blogpost here

Citizen App

We believe in vibrant communities and sustainability

More about this in the blog

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