The group publishes the daily newspaper Nordjyske Stiftstidende and 26 local weekly newspapers. They are also behind the website, a number of local websites, two radio stations and other leading digital products.

Nordjyske media has worked to revitalize local digital journalism through launches of new regional media, including

The challenge - find a relevant digital advertising solution

For the new media, Nordjyske Medier wanted an innovative advertising format that would both engage readers, give advertisers value for advertising money, and generate recurring predictable revenue for the media house. It was also important that the solution, as far as possible, would be self-service and manageable with a minimum of internal administration.

Profitable local advertising with the help of Local Offers

After contacting Innocode, Nordjyske Medier selected the Local Offers advertising solution. Within weeks after sales efforts were initiated, a widget full of local advertisers was launched. Local Offers uses posts from the advertisers' social media accounts for the ads, and the advertisers share advertising space on the site.

Advertisers buy advertising on a subscription basis, and fully control which message they want to communicate at any given time.

Local Offers is the ideal product for our launch of new media - we generate value for readers and advertisers and it is easy to sell and manage. It is an always on solution for the local advertisers and a really good complement to the rest of the advertising business.

Lars Slinger
Sales Manager, Nordjyske Medier

The results: Over 100 new local advertisers in under 2 months

Just two months after launching the new product Nordjyske medier have activated over 100 new local businesses as digital advertisers. Initial feedback from local advertisers has been overwhelmingly positive with spontaneous comments about increased sales as a result of the advertising.

Want to check out the widget? Head over to

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